There are three simple steps to helping patients quit for surgery: ASK, ADVISE, REFER

 1. ASK YOUR PATIENTS if they smoke

Even if you already know the answer, it is important that the patient knows that their tobacco use is important to you as their clinician.

2. ADVISE them to quit smoking

All surgical patients should be strongly advised to quit for as long as possible before and after surgery. Even if patients are not willing to quit for good, advise them to "quit for a bit" from at least the morning of surgery to one week after surgery.

3. Refer them to resources that can help them quit

Few clinicians have the time or expertise to provide extensive provide tobacco treatment to their patients, but there are experts available. If your practice has access to tobacco treatment specialists, these professionals can provide personalized, evidence-based care. If not, there are a variety of resources now available to all patients who use tobacco.

This video shows an example of using the ASK-ADVISE-REfer Method, which takes only a minute